Welcome to the raf fundraising strategies center
December 5, 2025-Last day to make an RAF investment for 2025
Completed-August 30, 2025- Directors' Challenge and Battle of the Associations Contests
Completed-September 30, 2025-Deadline to complete NAR President Circle Investments
2025-CAR Statewide Dues Billing RAF Sweepstakes California Association of REALTORS® members who invest $49 or more to REALTOR® Action Fund (RAF) during the 2025 dues billing cycle will be automaticallyb entered in the drawing correlated to their RAF investment.
Video Your Voice For Advocacy This video will show how the REALTOR® Party values and the REALTOR® Action Fund investment has influence in protecting homeownership and livelihood!
Fundraising Materials
The following materials have been created to assist you in fundraising and educating your members on the importance of REALTOR® Action Fund. Simply complete one of the fundraising applications and C.A.R. RAF staff will create your distribution flyer.
Sweepstakes Application: As they say, timing is everything! A sweepstakes contest combined with the dues’ billing cycle is a great-and easy- way to provide REALTORS® an incentive to invest in RAF.
Add on Fundraiser Application: Have an existing annual special event? Add a RAF fundraiser component to the event by using an add-on fundraiser at your local AOR.
RAF Recognition Event Award Application: Use this to create an event or provide a commemorative award to RAF contributors. As a reminder, the policy allows a local Association to use up to 10% of the total voluntary RAF contributions raised in the prior year.
The California Association of REALTORS® (C.A.R.), has prepared the following New Member Orientation materials to help educate your new members on the importance of REALTOR® Action Fund (RAF). All New Member Orientation must have one of the items that are marked with an * to be in compliance. You do not need all three, please choose the one that fits for your local Association.
RAF Pledge Cards for New Member Orientation Deposits: Many local associations ask for a “$25 deposit” to reserve a spot to attend New Member Orientation. After you show the RAF Video, it the opportunity to ask the member if they would like their $25 deposit to be used as their first RAF Investment. If the member says yes, please have them complete this form. For more information on this, please contact C.A.R. staff, Lisa Edwards at
[email protected].
RAF Pledge Card: This pledge card does not ask for any type of credit card information, it is simply a “pledge card” for the new member to complete and then someone from the local association will follow up to collect the funds.
PAC Fundraising Policies
RAF Policy Re Recognition Events: This new policy provides the structure, as well as the flexibility for local associations to recognize their REALTOR® Action Fund (RAF) investors in a fair and reasonable manner. The policy allows a local Association to use up to 10% of the total voluntary RAF contributions raised in the precedoing year.
Have fun, be creative, and remember to spend wisely! Please note the following event restrictions:
1. This is a "thank you" event- you may not solicit for investments during your event;
2. Affiliates and/or vendors may not assist with costs related to these events in any way;
3. All costs must be paid for by the Association (which will be reimbursed by the PACs)
PAC Fundraising One-Third Policy: To follow the 1/3 rule, you must raise three times the fair market value of the fundraising event.
Please note the following Sweepstakes restrictions:
1. Affiliates or vendors
cannot help with the costs for a
REALTOR® Action Fund Sweepstakes; 2. Members cannot donate items for a REALTOR® Action Fund Sweepstakes and;
3. The Association must pay for all costs for the REALTOR® Action Fund Sweepstakes and the costs are then reimbursed by the PACs.
Together we can successfully educate and encourage REALTORS® to contribute in the REALTOR® Action Fund.