​​​​​​​​​​​​​REALTOR Action Fund CENTER​​ ​​We stand for the protection of homeownership and REALTOR®​’s ability to make that dream a reality to Californians. When the colors red and blue are mixed, the result is purple!
It's NOT a Red problem, it's NOT a Blue problem,it's a #PURPLESOLUTION!

Make your RAF investment today! Or if you are an affiliate, invest here​.

​​​​​​​​RAF Participation​​​​

​​​​​​​​RAF Participation is comprised of voluntary contributions from members to the REALTOR® Action Fund.  California Association of REALTORS® participation is based on the number of contributing members divided by our membership.​


​​​​​Our high dollar inveswtors are recognized by the National Association of REALTORS® as Major Investors. Once NAR recognizes a California Association of REALTORS®​ investor as a Sterling R, Crystal R, Golden R, or Platinum R, they will be reflected in this chart.

​​​​​​​​Investment Lookup​

Don't know your Member ID, click here.​

​​​​​​​​Enter your 9-digit Member ID in the field above to find out your investment total for the current recognition year. You will also have an option to make an investment to RAF once you see your total.​​

What does the REALTOR® Party of California (RPC) stand for?

The REALTOR® Party of California (RPC) doesn’t concern itself with partisan politics and instead leads with a lens focused on Homeownership. This is why the RPC does not see problems in Real Estate from a right or left perspective, but rather a REALTOR® Party perspective. This means that RPC does what needs to be done for homeownership: this includes working with leaders from both sides, as well as going against leaders from both sides for the protection of Homeownership. By understanding that homeownership brings all REALTORS® together, the RPC can stand united to advance our collective values.

Why is investing in the REALTOR® Action Fund (RAF) so important?

RAF is a vital service for YOU and YOUR business. Did you know that 30% of your RAF investment supports local issues that will affect your livelihood? By investing to the REALTOR® Action Fund, you are helping to protect private property rights through C.A.R.'s lobbying efforts, and local issues and candidate campaigns. Your participation will keep this going! Investments to the REALTOR® Action Fund have stopped:
  1. Point of sale mandates that could have cost the homeowner $1000s of dollars reducing their equity or may have even prevented the sale from going through.
  2. Direct taxing of REALTOR® commissions and other services related to the transaction.
  3. Political candidates who are against building housing and against REALTOR® issues.
  4. Independent Contractors License
Contact: Lisa Edwards, Fundraising Coordinator-916-492-5211-[email protected]
Katie Kerner, Fundraising Consultant-916-492-5200-[email protected]